Soils and geomorphology investigations are important both in the early and latter stages of archaeological studies to help understand the natural processes that have affected a site.
Soils, sediments, and landscapes are indicative of depositional environments, while soil morphology, as a reflection of pedogenesis, can be used to identify periods of landscape stability and estimate the age of landforms. In initial archaeological survey, these tools can be used to determine where cultural materials may or may not be located due to the age of soils and landscape, where cultural materials may be deeply buried or restricted to the surface due to age and depositional environment of sediments, and to evaluate the integrity of archaeological deposits. In the latter stages of archaeological studies, soils can be used to examine post depositional process – processes affecting and altering the archaeological record, and to reconstruct the past landscapes and environments that influenced behavior.
Matapeake Soil & Environmental Consultants has over 20 years experience working with soils and landscapes from archaeological investigations in North America with fieldwork focused on the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. We specialize in sites with eolian sediments and stratified alluvium and we are pleased to be able to offer laboratory analysis of soils and sediments.